donderdag 5 juli 2012

Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Asil Nadir, the former chief executive of Polly Peck International today began to give evidence in the current trial at the Central Criminal Court (The Old Bailey). Bark & Co have been acting for Mr Nadir since 2010.
The Mail
The Express
Daily Record

(Last updated: 26.06.2012)
Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Kweku Adoboli was today granted bail after a successful bail application at Southwark Crown Court. Mr Tim Harris, Solicitor on this matter said his client was "delighted, very emotional and would like to thank all his family and friends for their support”. Mr Adoboli is due to be released from Wandsworth prison on Monday pending the bail terms being satisfied.
Mr Bark-Jones, partner at Bark & Co Solicitors said "Our client is both emotional and delighted at the outcome of today's bail hearing. He looks forward to working on his case at our London offices."
11/06/2012 - Bark & Co Solicitors are happy to confirm that Mr Adoboli satisfied bail terms and has been released on bail.
Press Coverage:
The Telegraph [release on 11/06/12]
The Independent
Evening Standard
The Standard
Press Association
Daily Record
International Business Times
Yahoo News
Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act.

(Last updated: 08.06.2012)
Met Police review Daniel Morgan murder over News of the World link

It is reported that the Met Police will now investigate a News of The World link concerning the Daniel Morgan Murder (R v Vian & Others).
Details reported [here] in the Guardian
Mr Glen Vian, represented by Bark & Co, was acquitted in March 2011.

Read more (Last updated: 01.03.2012)
Kweku Adoboli pleads not guilty at Southwark Crown Court

Mr Adoboli has today entered a plea of not guilty at Southwark Crown Court.
Press coverage of the matter:
Sky News Coverage
The Times (s)
The Guardian
Business week
Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
New York Times
The Mirror
CFO World
The Daily Record
Government On-Line
efinancial news
Irish Times
Economic Times
Euro News
USA Today
ABC News
Canadian Business
Deal World

(Last updated: 30.01.2012)

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