donderdag 5 juli 2012

Cases - Bark & Co Solicitors - Specialist Fraud Firm

Cases - Bark & Co Solicitors - Specialist Fraud Firm

R v Nadir
Description: Bark & Co have been instructed by the former CEO of Polly Peck International (PPI) in an alleged multi-million pound fraud. The client faced 66 counts of Fraud & Theft, but failed to appear in the 1993 trial. Mr Nadir has returned to the UK to fight to clear his name.
The trial date is now set for January 2012.
Significance: One of the first high profile SFO prosecutions.
R v Ravjani & Others
Bark & Co represented a client accused significant involvement in a complex contra-trading MTIC fraud. The alleged fraud was of a scale that prompted the Government to proffer the case as an explanation as to why the UK balance of payments were adrift for a particular year. Unfortunately, reporting restrictions prevent us from publishing the full outcome at this time.
R v X
Description: This matter involves an insider trading investigation at a number of banks and hedge funds and other large financial institutions conducted by the FSA and SOCA which Reuters reports has “sent shockwaves through the country's financial industry”.
 Significance: This case involves significant press interest and involves the representation of a director at a very high profile financial institution.
R v CC & PF
Description: This case involves the arrest of nine directors of an ethical investment company investing in the energy sector. The value of the alleged fraud, which related to the company’s tax structure, is in excess of £85 million. It raises questions on the differences between tax evasion and tax avoidance. The company obtained tax benefits for research and development in the energy sector and secured investment from 750 specialist private investors. 
Significance: This case will have far reaching consequences for the whole of the ethical carbon offsetting industry, as well as for all companies with similar tax structures. The company in question was advised by tax specialists and lawyers regarding the legislation involved. HMRC allege that the complex nature of the related companies and tax structures were formed for the specific reason of perpetrating a fraud while the company states that they were not only legitimate but standard industry practice.
R v F & P (Vantis Tax)
Description: We acted for former senior executives for a specialist tax division of Vantis Plc defending allegations of cheating the public revenue. They both vigorously deny the allegations made against them.
Significance: This case involves extremely complex tax, share valuation and trust issues, and raises serious questions concerning the boundaries of tax avoidance schemes and their use. It attracted significant media interest with coverage in the nationals and trade press.
R v S & Others
Description: Bark & Co is representing a client who is involved in a wide ranging FSA investigation into an alleged 11-handed insider dealing fraud. This matter revolves around a spread-betting company that was used to place derivative trades on share price movements. Trades were made close to, or before, significant and unexpected company announcements which influenced the share price in the direction of the placed trade. It is alleged that a ring of traders, some of whom had no previous experience in spread betting, were organised to perpetrate the fraud with the insider information originating from two well-known investment banks.
Significance: The value of the alleged fraud is over £3 million and involved insider information on more than 25 companies that the investment banks dealt with. This case is still at the investigation stage but charges are being brought.
R v W, W, W & D (Southwark Crown Court)
Description: Our client is charged with conspiracy to defraud and money laundering offences. This case follows a joint FSA and City of London Police operation and investigation into a boiler room fraud. It is alleged that several companies that were seeking venture capital were used as vehicles to generate appropriate share capital to sell to victims based in the UK. The boiler rooms were based overseas and unregulated by the FSA. They generated over £30 million in income which was then filtered through a complex network of companies and holding accounts and into UK and offshore accounts.
Significance: The fraud is so large that the FSA has determined that it is limiting the case to six primary front companies. Not only is this case a good example of the scale and increasing prevalence of this type of fraud, it also demonstrates how international operations are being used to bypass the UK financial regulators and authorities.
R v S, R, D, S, S & T (Southwark Crown Court)
Description: This was a six-handed prosecution of the founders and associates of the “Confidential Access” website. Our client is alleged to have used his business to facilitate the sale of false identity documents that were used to commit fraud and crime. The identity documents, which included passports, P45s, bank statements and other financial and identity documents, were marketed and sold as legal “novelty items”, but their accuracy means they were used by clients who were being investigated by the Metropolitan Police anti-terrorism unit. In a joint operation with the Hong Kong Organised Crime Team, the Confidential Access website was temporarily shut down and the servers and business records seized. The website subsequently reopened in another county and the authorities entered into an ongoing battle across several jurisdictions to force the website to close down.
Significance: This case provides a unique insight into the type of identity-based frauds that will become more commonplace in the future. It also shows the difficulties involved in dealing with international and cross-jurisdictional issues surrounding internet free trade and international payment systems. Not surprisingly, the case attracted media attention, although the details remain confidential.
R v L (Southwark Crown Court)
Description: Our client in this case is being re-tried after a trial held in 2008 failed to reach a verdict. The client is charged with cheating the public revenue of £250 million in a large-scale and complex MTIC VAT fraud in the mobile phone handset market.
Significance: The scale of the operation and subsequent investigation was impressive, with 42 arrests in 2003, 96 sets of premises searched and 260 computers and 500,000 documents seized, as well as substantial amounts of electronic data. This fraud is serious and involves highly complex forensic accountancy and international funds tracing aspects. Again, it has attracted considerable media attention.
R v L (Southwark Crown Court)
Description: iSoft was awarded a multi-million pound contract to implement an All Ireland software system. Bark & Co is representing a former director in connection with alleged accounting irregularities in relation to this contract. This case is in the FSA's own words the largest case they have ever investigated.
Significance: iSoft were involved in the implementation of the new NHS IT system, a large and politically sensitive project and the case has received extensive press coverage. It has therefore required extremely sensitive handling. The issues involved are also particularly complex and involve forensic legal and accountancy analysis.
iSoft related cases (representing X)
Description: iSoft was awarded a multi-million pound contract to implement an All Ireland software system. Bark & Co is representing a former director in connection with alleged accounting irregularities in relation to this contract. This case is in the FSA's own words the largest case they have ever investigated.
Significance: iSoft were involved in the implementation of the new NHS IT system, a large and politically sensitive project and the case has received extensive press coverage. It has therefore required extremely sensitive handling. The issues involved are also particularly complex and involve forensic legal and accountancy analysis.
R v R
Description: This is said to be among the biggest MTIC carousel frauds ever prosecuted. It involves a particularly complex form of MTIC fraud called ‘contra-trading’. Here, the perpetrator mixes a ‘clean’ chain of transactions and a ‘dirty’ chain. The key is that they act as importer in the clean chain and exporter in the dirty one, therefore offsetting legal imports against illegal exports, making the VAT claim relatively balanced and the fraud far harder to detect.
Significance: This case is said to be one of the biggest MTIC frauds ever prosecuted and involves billions of pounds worth of trade. It will give rise to national publicity and widespread public concern because MTIC fraud has become so widespread that it is responsible for the UK trade figures being completely miscalculated. In this instance there has been £170 million of fraud identified within the telecoms sector involving the international trading of mobile phones. Contra-trading is an increasing growth area of specialist defence where Bark & Co is among the leaders. This case has at present over 60,000 pages of exhibited prosecution materials with over 100,000 expected, making the estimated cost of prosecuting the case substantial (more than £1million).
R v L, R & H
Description: This was a high-profile SFO prosecution concerning fraudulent trading. The prosecution alleges that there was fraudulent trading over a 3-4 year period at Alfred McAlpine Slate Limited. This took the form of false invoicing and the concealment of the false information from the parent company, Alfred McAlpine plc, and their auditors, by way of forged loans, invoices and manipulation of management packs.
Significance: This case was the subject of a three-month internal investigation by PMCE Coopers Waterhouse and the City law firm, Ashurst. Press interest is high and the case has appeared on Sky News, in The Times, and The Guardian, as well as local papers, financial journals and Reuters. It is alleged that the discovery of the fraud led to a drop in the McAlpine Slate share price and contributed to the acquisition of McAlpine by Carillion plc. With over 50,000 pages of served evidence, this case was both complex and high profile.  We were successful in achieving a lenient sentence for our client.
R v Lord Rodley, Coyne & Others
Description: This case involved a conspiracy to defraud the SMBC Bank in London of £227 million and money laundering the proceeds of the fraud. A security guard at SMBC bank, who had access to its computer system, allowed two Belgium computer experts entry into the bank and access to the computer systems outside working hours. They hacked into the bank’s systems to obtain passwords and to transfer funds to accounts set up to launder the proceeds of this fraud.
Significance:Three defendants stood a fully contended cut-throat trial. Our client (David Coyne aka Nash) is alleged to have been involved both in the main plan to defraud the bank and the money laundering as he was the owner of several offshore bank accounts that were allegedly set up to receive the funds
R v F, D & Others
Description: The case results from an investigation into a successful multi-million pound international lottery scam, which began with a complaint concerning unsolicited e-mails from the Philippines. The scam involved claims that the victim would be the beneficiary of a percentage of an estate worth $10.2 million.
Significance: The alarm was raised by Barclays Bank in New York. A joint investigation by the FBI and Metropolitan Police then uncovered a number of victims of the fraud, who were resident in various places, ranging from the USA, to Malaysia, Japan and the Middle East. The joint investigation resulted in six arrests. This case demonstrates our ability to handle complex international fraud cases, requiring the gathering of evidence and information in a number of jurisdictions.

Mr Asil Nadir Begins Giving Evidence At The Bailey

Mr Asil Nadir Begins Giving Evidence At The Bailey

Mr Asil Nadir, the former chief executive of Polly Peck International today began to give evidence in the current trial at the Central Criminal Court (The Old Bailey). Bark & Co have been acting for Mr Nadir since 2010.
The Mail
The Express
Daily Record

(Last updated: 26.06.2012)
Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Kweku Adoboli was today granted bail after a successful bail application at Southwark Crown Court. Mr Tim Harris, Solicitor on this matter said his client was "delighted, very emotional and would like to thank all his family and friends for their support”. Mr Adoboli is due to be released from Wandsworth prison on Monday pending the bail terms being satisfied.
Mr Bark-Jones, partner at Bark & Co Solicitors said "Our client is both emotional and delighted at the outcome of today's bail hearing. He looks forward to working on his case at our London offices."
11/06/2012 - Bark & Co Solicitors are happy to confirm that Mr Adoboli satisfied bail terms and has been released on bail.
Press Coverage:
The Telegraph [release on 11/06/12]
The Independent
Evening Standard
The Standard
Press Association
Daily Record
International Business Times
Yahoo News
Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act.

(Last updated: 08.06.2012)
Met Police review Daniel Morgan murder over News of the World link

It is reported that the Met Police will now investigate a News of The World link concerning the Daniel Morgan Murder (R v Vian & Others).
Details reported [here] in the Guardian
Mr Glen Vian, represented by Bark & Co, was acquitted in March 2011.

Read more (Last updated: 01.03.2012)
Kweku Adoboli pleads not guilty at Southwark Crown Court

Mr Adoboli has today entered a plea of not guilty at Southwark Crown Court.
Press coverage of the matter:
Sky News Coverage
The Times (s)
The Guardian
Business week
Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
New York Times
The Mirror
CFO World
The Daily Record
Government On-Line
efinancial news
Irish Times
Economic Times
Euro News
USA Today
ABC News
Canadian Business
Deal World

(Last updated: 30.01.2012)
Bark and Co act for Mr Kweku Adoboli
As has been reported widely in the press, Bark & Co can confirm we act for Mr Kweku Adoboli.
The firm do not intend to comment in detail on the case at this stage. Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act.

Read more (Last updated: 23.12.2011)
Deferred Prosecution Agreements (CL&JW)
"Should corporate justice be served or procured?"
Bark & Co fraud lawyer Tim Harris discusses in Criminal Law & Justice weekly if the use of US style deferred prosecution agreements could be useful in the UK. Click here for a PDF.

(Last updated: 08.12.2011)
R v Thakrar - client acquitted
Bark & Co Solicitors have successfully secured the acquittal of Kevan Thakrar.  Our client is a serving prisoner having previously been convicted of triple murder in 2009.

Kevan Thakrar was charged with 2 counts of attempt murder and 3 counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. All allegations related to attacks on prison officers in HMP Frankland, Durham.

Giving evidence, Kevan Thakrar informed the jury that he suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following an attack on him by officers within the prison system.  His defence centred around the bullying and racism that he has sustained whilst in the prison system and that his actions were in self defence.

The Solicitor instructed, Marie Bourke, along with a dedicated defence team from Bark & Co, sought and succeeded in obtaining information which severely undermined the prosecution case and highlighted the torturous regime which is alive within the prison system.  Great lengths were taken to secure evidence from legal professionals, professionals within the medical field, as well as serving prisoners.
Read more (Last updated: 10.11.2011)
R v Hanson - case dismissed
The Crown Prosecution Service formally offered no evidence against our client leading to His Honour Judge Hone QC directing a Not Guilty verdict.
Our client was charged with Conspiracy to Murder an allegation which, for the past 5 years, he has always vehemently denied.  He was represented by solicitor Marie Bourke, of this firm.
 The case rested on one supergrass witness and following legal arguments, the Judge ruled that the evidence of this witness should be excluded from the case, he stated that “By the time the summing up of Gary Eaton's evidence of unreliability, fabrication and fantasy had concluded, it would be impossible to find a sufficient bedrock of truth upon which a properly directed jury could convict any of these defendants”.

Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Asil Nadir, the former chief executive of Polly Peck International today began to give evidence in the current trial at the Central Criminal Court (The Old Bailey). Bark & Co have been acting for Mr Nadir since 2010.
The Mail
The Express
Daily Record

(Last updated: 26.06.2012)
Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Kweku Adoboli was today granted bail after a successful bail application at Southwark Crown Court. Mr Tim Harris, Solicitor on this matter said his client was "delighted, very emotional and would like to thank all his family and friends for their support”. Mr Adoboli is due to be released from Wandsworth prison on Monday pending the bail terms being satisfied.
Mr Bark-Jones, partner at Bark & Co Solicitors said "Our client is both emotional and delighted at the outcome of today's bail hearing. He looks forward to working on his case at our London offices."
11/06/2012 - Bark & Co Solicitors are happy to confirm that Mr Adoboli satisfied bail terms and has been released on bail.
Press Coverage:
The Telegraph [release on 11/06/12]
The Independent
Evening Standard
The Standard
Press Association
Daily Record
International Business Times
Yahoo News
Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act.

(Last updated: 08.06.2012)
Met Police review Daniel Morgan murder over News of the World link

It is reported that the Met Police will now investigate a News of The World link concerning the Daniel Morgan Murder (R v Vian & Others).
Details reported [here] in the Guardian
Mr Glen Vian, represented by Bark & Co, was acquitted in March 2011.

Read more (Last updated: 01.03.2012)
Kweku Adoboli pleads not guilty at Southwark Crown Court

Mr Adoboli has today entered a plea of not guilty at Southwark Crown Court.
Press coverage of the matter:
Sky News Coverage
The Times (s)
The Guardian
Business week
Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
New York Times
The Mirror
CFO World
The Daily Record
Government On-Line
efinancial news
Irish Times
Economic Times
Euro News
USA Today
ABC News
Canadian Business
Deal World

(Last updated: 30.01.2012)

Cases - Bark & Co Solicitors - Specialist Fraud Firm

Cases - Bark & Co Solicitors - Specialist Fraud Firm

These are our some of our cases of note:
R v Nadir
Description: Bark & Co have been instructed by the former CEO of Polly Peck International (PPI) in an alleged multi-million pound fraud. The client faced 66 counts of Fraud & Theft, but failed to appear in the 1993 trial. Mr Nadir has returned to the UK to fight to clear his name.
The trial date is now set for January 2012.
Significance: One of the first high profile SFO prosecutions.
R v Ravjani & Others
Bark & Co represented a client accused significant involvement in a complex contra-trading MTIC fraud. The alleged fraud was of a scale that prompted the Government to proffer the case as an explanation as to why the UK balance of payments were adrift for a particular year. Unfortunately, reporting restrictions prevent us from publishing the full outcome at this time.
R v X
Description: This matter involves an insider trading investigation at a number of banks and hedge funds and other large financial institutions conducted by the FSA and SOCA which Reuters reports has “sent shockwaves through the country's financial industry”.
 Significance: This case involves significant press interest and involves the representation of a director at a very high profile financial institution.
R v CC & PF
Description: This case involves the arrest of nine directors of an ethical investment company investing in the energy sector. The value of the alleged fraud, which related to the company’s tax structure, is in excess of £85 million. It raises questions on the differences between tax evasion and tax avoidance. The company obtained tax benefits for research and development in the energy sector and secured investment from 750 specialist private investors. 
Significance: This case will have far reaching consequences for the whole of the ethical carbon offsetting industry, as well as for all companies with similar tax structures. The company in question was advised by tax specialists and lawyers regarding the legislation involved. HMRC allege that the complex nature of the related companies and tax structures were formed for the specific reason of perpetrating a fraud while the company states that they were not only legitimate but standard industry practice.

Mr Asil Nadir Begins Giving Evidence At The Bailey : A Jetpak created by waddellabe : Jeteye

Mr Asil Nadir Begins Giving Evidence At The Bailey : A Jetpak created by waddellabe : Jeteye
Mr Asil Nadir, the former chief executive of Polly Peck International today began to give evidence in the current trial at the Central Criminal Court (The Old Bailey). Bark & Co have been acting for Mr Nadir since 2010. Press: BBC The Mail The Express Daily Record (Last updated: 26.06.2012) Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail Mr Kweku Adoboli was today granted bail after a successful bail application at Southwark Crown Court. Mr Tim Harris, Solicitor on this matter said his client was "delighted, very emotional and would like to thank all his family and friends for their support”. Mr Adoboli is due to be released from Wandsworth prison on Monday pending the bail terms being satisfied. Mr Bark-Jones, partner at Bark & Co Solicitors said "Our client is both emotional and delighted at the outcome of today's bail hearing. He looks forward to working on his case at our London offices." 11/06/2012 - Bark & Co Solicitors are happy to confirm that Mr Adoboli satisfied bail terms and has been released on bail. Press Coverage: The BBC The Telegraph [release on 11/06/12] The Independent Evening Standard The Standard Press Association Daily Record International Business Times Yahoo News Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act. (Last updated: 08.06.2012) Met Police review Daniel Morgan murder over News of the World link It is reported that the Met Police will now investigate a News of The World link concerning the Daniel Morgan Murder (R v Vian & Others). Details reported [here] in the Guardian Mr Glen Vian, represented by Bark & Co, was acquitted in March 2011. Read more (Last updated: 01.03.2012) Kweku Adoboli pleads not guilty at Southwark Crown Court Mr Adoboli has today entered a plea of not guilty at Southwark Crown Court. Press coverage of the matter: Sky News Coverage The Times (s) The Guardian Business week Wall Street Journal Bloomberg Reuters The Washington Post BBC New York Times The Mirror CFO World The Daily Record Government On-Line Yahoo efinancial news Irish Times Economic Times Euro News USA Today ABC News Canadian Business Google Deal World (Last updated: 30.01.2012) Bark and Co act for Mr Kweku Adoboli As has been reported widely in the press, Bark & Co can confirm we act for Mr Kweku Adoboli. The firm do not intend to comment in detail on the case at this stage. Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act. Read more (Last updated: 23.12.2011)

Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail, bark & co, solicitors london, fred bunn, giles jones, bark and co, solicitors - The-looser-it-s-me

Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail, bark & co, solicitors london, fred bunn, giles jones, bark and co, solicitors - The-looser-it-s-me

Mr Asil Nadir, the former chief executive of Polly Peck International today began to give evidence in the current trial at the Central Criminal Court (The Old Bailey). Bark & Co have been acting for Mr Nadir since 2010.
The Mail
The Express
Daily Record

(Last updated: 26.06.2012)
Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Kweku Adoboli was today granted bail after a successful bail application at Southwark Crown Court. Mr Tim Harris, Solicitor on this matter said his client was "delighted, very emotional and would like to thank all his family and friends for their support”. Mr Adoboli is due to be released from Wandsworth prison on Monday pending the bail terms being satisfied.
Mr Bark-Jones, partner at Bark & Co Solicitors said "Our client is both emotional and delighted at the outcome of today's bail hearing. He looks forward to working on his case at our London offices."
11/06/2012 - Bark & Co Solicitors are happy to confirm that Mr Adoboli satisfied bail terms and has been released on bail.
Press Coverage:
The Telegraph [release on 11/06/12]
The Independent
Evening Standard
The Standard
Press Association
Daily Record
International Business Times
Yahoo News
Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act.

(Last updated: 08.06.2012)
Met Police review Daniel Morgan murder over News of the World link

It is reported that the Met Police will now investigate a News of The World link concerning the Daniel Morgan Murder (R v Vian & Others).
Details reported [here] in the Guardian
Mr Glen Vian, represented by Bark & Co, was acquitted in March 2011.

Read more (Last updated: 01.03.2012)
Kweku Adoboli pleads not guilty at Southwark Crown Court

Mr Adoboli has today entered a plea of not guilty at Southwark Crown Court.
Press coverage of the matter:
Sky News Coverage
The Times (s)
The Guardian
Business week
Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
New York Times
The Mirror
CFO World
The Daily Record
Government On-Line
efinancial news
Irish Times
Economic Times
Euro News
USA Today
ABC News
Canadian Business
Deal World

(Last updated: 30.01.2012)
Bark and Co act for Mr Kweku Adoboli
As has been reported widely in the press, Bark & Co can confirm we act for Mr Kweku Adoboli.
The firm do not intend to comment in detail on the case at this stage. Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act.

Read more (Last updated: 23.12.2011)
Deferred Prosecution Agreements (CL&JW)
"Should corporate justice be served or procured?"
Bark & Co fraud lawyer Tim Harris discusses in Criminal Law & Justice weekly if the use of US style deferred prosecution agreements could be useful in the UK. Click here for a PDF.

(Last updated: 08.12.2011)
R v Thakrar - client acquitted
Bark & Co Solicitors have successfully secured the acquittal of Kevan Thakrar.  Our client is a serving prisoner having previously been convicted of triple murder in 2009.

Kevan Thakrar was charged with 2 counts of attempt murder and 3 counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. All allegations related to attacks on prison officers in HMP Frankland, Durham.

Giving evidence, Kevan Thakrar informed the jury that he suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following an attack on him by officers within the prison system.  His defence centred around the bullying and racism that he has sustained whilst in the prison system and that his actions were in self defence.

The Solicitor instructed, Marie Bourke, along with a dedicated defence team from Bark & Co, sought and succeeded in obtaining information which severely undermined the prosecution case and highlighted the torturous regime which is alive within the prison system.  Great lengths were taken to secure evidence from legal professionals, professionals within the medical field, as well as serving prisoners.
Read more (Last updated: 10.11.2011)
R v Hanson - case dismissed
The Crown Prosecution Service formally offered no evidence against our client leading to His Honour Judge Hone QC directing a Not Guilty verdict.
Our client was charged with Conspiracy to Murder an allegation which, for the past 5 years, he has always vehemently denied.  He was represented by solicitor Marie Bourke, of this firm.
 The case rested on one supergrass witness and following legal arguments, the Judge ruled that the evidence of this witness should be excluded from the case, he stated that “By the time the summing up of Gary Eaton's evidence of unreliability, fabrication and fantasy had concluded, it would be impossible to find a sufficient bedrock of truth upon which a properly directed jury could convict any of these defendants”.
Press Links:
The Guardian
The Independent
The Metro
This Is London

(Last updated: 20.09.2011)
HMRC withdraw from 9 Appeals against Abbey Forwarding LTD
In a ground breaking decision, the Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have withdrawn their resistance to the 9 Appeals filed on behalf of Abbey Forwarding Limited by the three ex directors and have been ordered to pay costs.

This decision to withdraw was made following an Abuse of Process Application made by Bark & Co Solicitors. The Appeals related to excise duty and VAT assessments raised by HMRC totalling over £7 million.

(Last updated: 20.09.2011)
Bark & Co defend alleged fraud at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP

Bark & Co have been instructed by a director of a company being investigated for fraud by abuse of position, conspiracy to defraud and money laundering. The fraud is alleged to have occurred in the provision of IT services to Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP. It is alleged that payments were made for fictitious work done and that the conspiracy involved employees of the firm.

Our client denies the allegations and that he has acted dishonestly.

(Last updated: 12.08.2011)
Bark and Co represents client in Internet Fraud conspiracy allegation

We are recently instructed in the defence of an investigation into an alleged conspiracy to defraud a large well-known international Internet marketing company.

(Last updated: 27.07.2011)
Solicitor Arrested in Alleged Share Marketing Fraud

Bark & Co are representing a solicitor arrested in connection with an offshore share marketing scheme. It is alleged that our client conspired with the directors of a Spanish company to defraud individuals and that our client then used its firm's client account to accept investor's money and distribute it accordingly.

(Last updated: 15.07.2011)
The Bribery Act 2010 comes into force (01/07/2011)

The 2010 Bribery Act comes into force today. It remains to be seen how this legislation will be applied in practice by the various enforcement agencies, but the Act has potentially far reaching consequences for any UK based companies (and individuals) who operate in territories where “normal business practice” could fall foul of the strict definitions of the offences. It is therefore essential that companies, both large and small, who fall into potential risk categories, should act to protect the company and its executives by implementing procedures in compliance with the MOJ guidelines. This would ensure a potential full defence.

Mr Asil Nadir Begins Giving Evidence At The Bailey

Mr Asil Nadir, the former chief executive of Polly Peck International today began to give evidence in the current trial at the Central Criminal Court (The Old Bailey). Bark & Co have been acting for Mr Nadir since 2010.
The Mail
The Express
Daily Record

(Last updated: 26.06.2012)
Mr Kweku Adoboli Granted Bail

Mr Kweku Adoboli was today granted bail after a successful bail application at Southwark Crown Court. Mr Tim Harris, Solicitor on this matter said his client was "delighted, very emotional and would like to thank all his family and friends for their support”. Mr Adoboli is due to be released from Wandsworth prison on Monday pending the bail terms being satisfied.
Mr Bark-Jones, partner at Bark & Co Solicitors said "Our client is both emotional and delighted at the outcome of today's bail hearing. He looks forward to working on his case at our London offices."
11/06/2012 - Bark & Co Solicitors are happy to confirm that Mr Adoboli satisfied bail terms and has been released on bail.
Press Coverage:
The Telegraph [release on 11/06/12]
The Independent
Evening Standard
The Standard
Press Association
Daily Record
International Business Times
Yahoo News
Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act.

(Last updated: 08.06.2012)
Met Police review Daniel Morgan murder over News of the World link

It is reported that the Met Police will now investigate a News of The World link concerning the Daniel Morgan Murder (R v Vian & Others).
Details reported [here] in the Guardian
Mr Glen Vian, represented by Bark & Co, was acquitted in March 2011.

Read more (Last updated: 01.03.2012)
Kweku Adoboli pleads not guilty at Southwark Crown Court

Mr Adoboli has today entered a plea of not guilty at Southwark Crown Court.
Press coverage of the matter:
Sky News Coverage
The Times (s)
The Guardian
Business week
Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
New York Times
The Mirror
CFO World
The Daily Record
Government On-Line
efinancial news
Irish Times
Economic Times
Euro News
USA Today
ABC News
Canadian Business
Deal World

(Last updated: 30.01.2012)
Bark and Co act for Mr Kweku Adoboli
As has been reported widely in the press, Bark & Co can confirm we act for Mr Kweku Adoboli.
The firm do not intend to comment in detail on the case at this stage. Media organisations, journalists and bloggers are cautioned to carefully bear in mind their reporting of this matter pursuant to their responsibilities under the Contempt of Court Act.

Read more (Last updated: 23.12.2011)
Deferred Prosecution Agreements (CL&JW)
"Should corporate justice be served or procured?"
Bark & Co fraud lawyer Tim Harris discusses in Criminal Law & Justice weekly if the use of US style deferred prosecution agreements could be useful in the UK. Click here for a PDF.

(Last updated: 08.12.2011)
R v Thakrar - client acquitted
Bark & Co Solicitors have successfully secured the acquittal of Kevan Thakrar.  Our client is a serving prisoner having previously been convicted of triple murder in 2009.

Kevan Thakrar was charged with 2 counts of attempt murder and 3 counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. All allegations related to attacks on prison officers in HMP Frankland, Durham.

Giving evidence, Kevan Thakrar informed the jury that he suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following an attack on him by officers within the prison system.  His defence centred around the bullying and racism that he has sustained whilst in the prison system and that his actions were in self defence.

The Solicitor instructed, Marie Bourke, along with a dedicated defence team from Bark & Co, sought and succeeded in obtaining information which severely undermined the prosecution case and highlighted the torturous regime which is alive within the prison system.  Great lengths were taken to secure evidence from legal professionals, professionals within the medical field, as well as serving prisoners.
Read more (Last updated: 10.11.2011)
R v Hanson - case dismissed
The Crown Prosecution Service formally offered no evidence against our client leading to His Honour Judge Hone QC directing a Not Guilty verdict.
Our client was charged with Conspiracy to Murder an allegation which, for the past 5 years, he has always vehemently denied.  He was represented by solicitor Marie Bourke, of this firm.
 The case rested on one supergrass witness and following legal arguments, the Judge ruled that the evidence of this witness should be excluded from the case, he stated that “By the time the summing up of Gary Eaton's evidence of unreliability, fabrication and fantasy had concluded, it would be impossible to find a sufficient bedrock of truth upon which a properly directed jury could convict any of these defendants”.
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