woensdag 23 mei 2012

Criminal Fraud


Bark & Co is reknowned for its competency and experience in large-scale, complex fraud cases. The firm has been involved in many of the high profile prosecutions in recent years and in the course of their work, our specialist fraud teams work closely with individuals, large corporations and Government organisations. The firm is now among the top criminal fraud firms for both size and quality of representation and deals frequently with cases that involve both UK and foreign jurisdictions.
Typical work includes all types of criminal and commercial fraud (VAT and duties tribunal work, defence of duty evasion, money-laundering and carousel fraud, mortgage fraud, investment fraud, corruption, pension fund fraud, telecoms fraud, theft, fraudulent trading by company directors and internet fraud) as well as business and tax regulation, tax investigations, white-collar crime and serious crime. Cases include prosecutions and investigations brought by all the prosecuting agencies, notably the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), HM Revenue and Customs, the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), the Financial Services Authority (FSA) ,the Special Compliance Office of the Inland Revenue and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). We have also established a leading practice in the field of cash and asset recovery in both the criminal and civil courts and we have particular expertise in successfully tackling Restraint Orders thus enabling our clients to minimise the potentially serious financial effects associated with lengthy proceedings.
Recent examples include an alleged 11-handed insider share dealing fraud involving 2 prominent investment banks, a high tech internet based identity documents fraud, a high profile pensions miss-selling case, a huge boiler room fraud involving the laundering of £30M through 6 primary front companies, a mobile phone based fraud allegedly defrauding the public revenue of £250M, false accounting in connection with the multi-million pound contract to supply the NHS with a new computer system, false invoicing over 3-4 years at a major multi-national that destroyed its share price and an £85M fraud in an ethical investment company investing in the energy sector.
Appointed as a founder member of the Specialist Fraud Panel and Very High Costs Case Contracting Panel, Bark & Co is committed to providing the finest legal advice with the highest standards of care to its clients.

Courts Martial


Our team at Bark &Co have wide experience of Courts Martial both in UK and abroad including in areas of conflict such as Iraq. We also retain ex-military experience within the firm to ensure we can be sensitive and responsive to the unique circumstances affecting servicemen and women and their families, especially when they are serving abroad. The Services demand standards of discipline which are distinctive to the armed forces and which have penalties for conduct that would not attract the same action in civilian employment eg AWOL and disobeying a lawful command. This separate military justice system is very familiar to our team at Bark & Co where we adopt a policy of personal contact providing expert legal advice at the earliest stage of proceedings.
When a service person is remanded for court martial they become eligible for Legal Aid. ACFLAA will, if requested, select a solicitor to represent them in this situation. But serving personnel also have the right and are encouraged to choose their own representative from the legal profession to assist in their defence case. This is where Bark & Co are at your service 24 hours a day.
We at Bark & Co have an excellent track record representing military personnel, either through legal aid or on a private fee basis. Either way, you will receive the benefit of longstanding experience and familiarity with the military and we will engage the services of specialist barristers whenever necessary to fight your case to best effect.